
Documentary Video Production for a Non-Profit Institution

Sound Idea Digital was commissioned by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung to produce a documentary about the life and culture of the OvaHimba people in Namibia. The client, an internationally operating non-profit institution, focuses on political education and promoting civic participation, critical thinking, and inclusive democracy. This documentary project aligned with their goal of cultivating dialogue and understanding, particularly in Southern Africa.Documentary Videos

Project Scope

Our task was to document the unique way of life of the OvaHimba, a semi-nomadic pastoral community residing in the Kaokoveld region of northwestern Namibia. This project required careful planning to accurately portray the OvaHimba people’s traditions, beliefs, and social structure, while ensuring respectful communication and interaction with the community.

Documentary Videos

Pre-Production and Planning

For this project, we collaborated with a local guide, Jimmy, who is Himba but lives outside the traditional village setting. Jimmy was integral to the success of the project, helping us communicate with the OvaHimba people and making the necessary arrangements with the village prior to filming. He provided us with images of the village to aid in our preparation and ensured that the tribe understood the purpose of the documentary, as well as how it would be used.

Given the remote location of the village, we prepared for challenging travel conditions, including the Himba Highway—an intense dirt road that required us to rent a 4×4 vehicle for safe passage. A flat tire on the way back highlighted the importance of this careful logistical planning. We also planned for the harsh filming environment by bringing battery-powered lights and reflectors, ensuring we could work in the small and dark huts where the OvaHimba live.

Filming Process

The filming itself focused on capturing the daily life, customs, and beliefs of the OvaHimba people. The OvaHimba have a rich cultural heritage, which includes a deep understanding of their environment, their traditional laws, and their unique social roles. Our documentary aimed to portray these aspects in a respectful and accurate manner.

We conducted interviews with key members of the village, including the chief and his wife, to delve deeper into their values and how they navigate life in a rapidly changing world. Jimmy translated all our questions and the tribe’s responses, ensuring clear communication throughout. A significant part of the documentary also focused on their pastoral lifestyle, the challenges they face due to drought, and their intricate knowledge of natural resources such as plants, which they use in daily life.

The film also highlights the significance of clothing, hair, and traditions within the OvaHimba culture. For example, hair carries symbolic meaning, representing various aspects such as age, wealth, and status. Their clothing, which they make themselves, also holds deep personal and cultural value. We made sure to emphasize these elements in the documentary, showing how they are integral to the identity of the OvaHimba people.

Documentary Videos

Post-Production and Translation

In post-production, we carefully translated the interview responses to ensure that the voices of the OvaHimba were accurately represented. We paired these narratives with supporting visuals and b-roll footage to give viewers a clear understanding of their traditions, social systems, and way of life.

The soundtrack of the documentary includes a unique musical piece performed by one of the OvaHimba tribe members, adding an authentic sound to the film. This, combined with the visuals, helped us convey the depth and richness of their culture.


This project required detailed planning, respectful collaboration, and a deep understanding of both the OvaHimba people and the environment in which they live. Through careful preparation and engagement, Sound Idea Digital was able to create a documentary that accurately and sensitively portrays the life and culture of the OvaHimba, giving audiences a rare glimpse into their semi-nomadic lifestyle


If you’re looking to document and share unique stories, Sound Idea Digital has the expertise to create impactful and insightful films. Our team ensures careful planning and cultural understanding to produce documentaries that reflect the authentic voices of the people. Contact us to bring your next cultural or educational project to life with our dedicated production services.

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